4 Top Benefits of Complementary Cancer Treatment

I am often asked about the benefits one can expect from complementary cancer treatment, so below I have listed what I consider to be the four top benefits.
alternative cancer treatment
1. Feeling empowered: Taking part in the decision making process of your health care plan and being an active participant in your healing is empowering. It takes you from a passive mode to an active mode, and helps you to feel that you are back in the driving seat when it comes to your health. While your medical care team is doing all that they can do, you can feel that you too are playing a part in the process and doing all that you can possibly do to create the best environment within your body for healing to take place.

2. The human connection: When you work with a practitioner of complementary alternative medicine, certainly when working with me, you get a more personalized one-to-one connection. You get more than just the few minutes allocated to you by your doctor; with me you get at least an hour and a half. Being rushed and having to wait for doctors to show up, for test results and all that is in between can make a person feel as if he or she is just their illness.

3. Safe, non-invasive treatment: Immersive Healing offers a safe, non-invasive and drugless process of healing. It can be practiced in conjunction with conventional medical care. Results can be felt in ‘real time’, meaning that they are felt as they occur, first in the Mind and then in the body. There is no need to spend time in hospital, no need to worry about dependency or side effects from medication and no downtime spent in recovering from treatment. These aspects of the treatment are very important because at a time when your body is being overloaded with medical treatment, drugs, hospital stays and recovery time etc. the last thing that you need is to add more of the same.

4. A holistic approach to illness: When you use alternative cancer treatments you get support on all levels, by this I mean that your emotional and spiritual well-being is acknowledged and addressed. Some types of complementary alternative therapies also address the physical dimension (for example those that focus on health through nutrition) and, of course, hypnosis works with the mind-body connection, where the aim is to enable the physical body to follow the healing that takes place in the mind. Without disrespecting to the amazing work that your medical team is doing, it has to be said that medical professionals are trained to treat the disease and not the whole person. In my office I offer a more holistic approach, treating the whole person and not just their illness.

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