
What is the Difference between Immersive Healing and Hypnosis for Cancer?

Hypnosis has long been an ally in the fight against, and the healing of cancer. For the most part it was utilized as a therapeutic intervention for treatment side effects. Common uses of hypnosis in cancer treatment were to speed recovery from surgery and ease physical discomfort and emotional distress which is part and parcel of conventional treatments.
alternative cancer hypnosis
So what is the difference between this type of hypnosis for cancer and Immersive Healing? To explain this difference think about a general medical practitioner such as your primary care physician and a specialist like an oncologist. Your PCP is well educated and skilled but he or she is trained to diagnose and prescribe medication. He or she can properly direct you when needed to a specialist of a particular field who has greater skill in that field.

Immersive Healing utilize and an advanced hypnotic protocol called Regression to Cause. This is a specialized protocol that requires a certain level of experience and knowledge. It demands the facilitator will harbor certain qualities and abilities that are not taught in regular hypnosis courses like intuition, the ability to work with and contain immense emotions that are being released etc. This qualities and abilities are not something that can be acquired easily; they must be built into the personality of the facilitator, hard wired if you will.

Furthermore, Regression to Cause as structured in Immersive Healing is a very active or dynamic technique which demands the client be active, part of the process and involved in his or her own experience. Generally speaking, in other hypnotic protocols the client is more passive i.e. he is absorbing rather than letting out.

The more general type of hypnosis, the type which you might be familiar with, uses a hypnotic technique that is known as Direct Suggestion. In this type of practice the client is led into a hypnotic state; once in this state of mind, the therapist embeds positive suggestions and affirmations into the client’s subconscious mind, with the aim of producing more desirable patterns of thought and behavior.

Direct suggestion hypnosis can be extremely effective when carried out by an experienced hypnotherapist. It is especially effective for those who wish to overcome a fear or phobia, or to give up a bad habit like smoking. It has more to do with changing behavioral patterns and thoughts patterns than healing illness. It is not what it was designed to do.

When we are dealing with cancer we need to pull out all the stops; we need to use the most powerful weapon we possibly can in order to fight the illness. I believe that the hypnotic protocol of Regression to Cause is this weapon. It allows us to access the deepest layers of the Subconscious Mind; where the seed planting of the illness is found. By healing the cause i.e. the Mind, we ultimately can heal its effect, the Body.

By identifying, addressing and healing the Subconscious Mind patterns that weighed heavy on the innate immune system and produced the conditions where cancer can develop we eliminate the energy that feed the cancer and kick start the dormant immune response. With a fortified immune system and greater resolve to heal all forms of medical interventions will preform their healing better. This in turn increase your odds for recovery.

guided imagery cancer

Is Guided Imagery for Cancer Right for You?

In previous posts we explored the promise of hypnotherapy for treating and healing cancer. But what if you are unable to attend regular hypnosis sessions because you don’t feel well enough to do so, or because you an experienced hypnotherapist or for any other reason?

guided imagery cancer If this is the case for you, the next best thing you can do, as an alternative to face-to-face treatment, is to listen to an audio program such as my Guided Imagery for Cancer CD. There is an assortment of audio programs available online from many different practitioners, but as you’ll find out, not all products are equally effective.

Before you choose which one is right for you, listen to a sample of it. Do you like the voice, tempo and even accent of this practitioner? Hmmm…

For me it was important to produce a highly professional product with recording studio quality. It was also important for me it will be easy to follow the guided meditation. I infused the audio with powerful suggestions, imagery and metaphors to calm your Mind, sooth your body and help you heal from within.

The beauty of an audio program is that you can listen to it as often as you like so it’s very cost effective. Whether you listen to it while waiting for your doctor appointments, whale watching or before you go so sleep you will surly benefit.
It combines imagery, sensory awareness and auto-suggestions to engage your imagination and Mind. These techniques share some qualities and blend very well together. It is this combination that helps you to become immersed, and therefore fully involved, in a healing experience. It what helps you to shift your focus and attention from whatever emotions you are going through – be that fear, stress, hopelessness or rage to calmness and hopefulness.

The CD can also be used during any procedures you are having for cancer, such as chemotherapy. Listening to the CD during a procedure can help you to shift your attention from the clinical external environment to an inner positive and desirable one. The metaphors, mental images and suggestions used in this CD help your mind to create a better experience within yourself, which is important because we know that the mental images we hold within our minds have an effect on our bodies – for better or for worse.

A prime example of this is worry; when we worry about things that haven’t happened; we play out different scenarios in our mind. These scenarios affect us even though they are just imagined; the more we worry the worse we feel. If we want to empower ourselves and create the optimum conditions for healing within our bodies, it is important for us to have a tool that we can use to help ourselves – a tool that can help us to create better, more positive state of Mind.

hypnosis for chemotherapy, cancer cdMy CD, The Healing Power of Your Mind: Guided Imagery for Cancer does this and also helps you to drift off into a sound a peaceful sleep that will leave you feeling refreshed when you wake in the morning. Healthy sleep patterns are crucial when it comes to healing the mind and body but can be difficult to achieve when we are feeling worried, stressed or afraid because of illness.

If you are interested in the concept of Immersive Healing but are unable to attend sessions with me, you may find my Guided Imagery CD helpful during your own healing journey.

cancer resiliency

Increase Your Resiliance to Fight Cancer with Hypnosis for Cancer

If you read any of my previous blog posts you already know my view on illness – we cannot truly heal the body without also healing the Mind. Even more so, by healing the Mind we increase the effectiveness of medical treatment.
cancer alternative treatmentIn saying that we must also heal the Mind I am not saying there are no organic factors in illness such as toxic environment, carcinogenic agents etc, of course there are. Still not everyone exposed to them end up with cancer. Something else is factoring our vulnerability to attacks on our health both from within as much as without and that is our Mind.

This is no breaking news, after all the scientific community acknowledges the Mind play a role in illness and health. The scientific study of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) validated these finds back in the 70’s. In the simplest of terms, PNI relates to the study of how the mind interacts with the body’s nervous system and how this, in turn, affects the function of the immune system.

The debate as it seems is no longer whether the Mind plays a role in illness but rather whether it plays a big enough role that it can promote the healing of illness.

Much of the focus of PNI has been on the subject of stress, but the term ‘stress’ can be misleading – ‘stress’ is such a huge area and means so much more than feeling overwhelmed because we have too much to do. Stress in the context of PNI refer to a range of states of mind that many people experience, such as fear, guilt, anger and shame. These states of mind, when experienced consciously or subconsciously, for an ongoing period of time may be harmful to our health if we do not address them properly.

In terms of the body’s immune system, PNI has found that these negative states of mind can be toxic – they can weigh heavily on the immune system and disrupt the optimum function of this powerful, inbuilt healing mechanism. This is what Immersive Healing which utilizes hypnosis as its therapeutic vehicle is designed to remedy.

The hypnotic protocol of Regression to Cause hypnosis is the heart of Immersive Healing. It allows us to identify the root cause of these harmful states of mind; what’s more, it allows us to address and to heal these states of mind. In doing so, we are able to revive the immune system. Reviving and strengthening the body’s defenses we increase its ability to heal itself, which can help you to improve your ability to fight cancer.

The healing of the Mind as facilitated by Immersive Healing will improve your odds for recovery. It will fortify your immune system, lessen the impact of treatment side effects and improve your quality of your life. Furthermore, it will help you cultivates hope and strengthens your will to live. These elements are vital when it comes to your ability to recover.

holistic cancer

Healing Cancer and Chronic Illness

Discover the benefits of Immersive Healing, an advanced holistic model to healing Cancer & Chronic Illness. Immersive Healing is an evidence based practice, rooted in the scientific study of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) which brings hope to so many. It bridges science and healing by integrating modern therapeutic tools. Learn how you can use your mind to heal your body, increase the quality of your life and be in control of your healing journey.

The Immune System, Cancer and Chronic Illness

The Immune System, Cancer and Chronic Illness

The discovery of Cancer is dated back to Hippocrates and even ancient Egypt. And yet, with all of our modern technological might we are still unable to pin down the actual cause of this disease, at least not from a medical perspective.

boston and brookline healingTriggers which may make a person more susceptible to contracting cancer such as the diet or the environment have been identified, but the fact remains that many people exposed to the same triggers do not become ill.

Many of us will have heard stories of a person’s mother or grandfather etc. who smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol every day and lived to a grand old age. We may even be the child or grandchild of such a person. “It never did me any harm,” they may tell us.

Of course the role of genetics seems to play a part in the development of certain cancers but could we take this notion further. Could this be the fact that a person inherits a certain mindset from family members as well as certain genes? Maybe I will explore that idea at a later date…

I of course do not have all the answers and my aim is not to create controversy, I am just fascinated in exploring all the possibilities that may lead to ill health – be they more abstract psychological factors or well documented medically proven factors.

Perhaps the question that needs to be asked is not what makes a person more susceptible to illness but what makes a person maintain their good health?

The Immune System

The immune system is the body’s very own form of natural defense. When you see pus in a cut or wound this is your immune system at work. White blood cells have been sent ‘en masse’ by the immune system to the area that needs to fight infection. It occurs as an entirely natural response.

This ‘healing’ takes place naturally and regularly on other parts of our bodies, internal and external. So maybe it is possible that all of us come under the attack of abnormal cancerous cells from time to time but that some of us fight off and destroy these cells because our immune systems are functioning at optimal levels?

The immune system is such a powerful system for healing. We see its ability to fight and reject during organ transplant operations. When we talk of organs being rejected after a heart or kidney transplant operation this is the immune system at work. The immune system recognizes a foreign body so to speak and rejects it as not being a part of the natural system.

The possibility is that all of us are exposed to abnormal cellular activity from time to time and that our body’s immune systems naturally destroy them. In the case of chronic disease and cancer is it therefore possible that the immune system has become inhibited in some way?

Could the cause of this suppression of the immune system be chronic stress? Chronic worry? The inability to express our true needs? The inability to be assertive?

What Science Says?

A 1999 study by JK Kiecolt-Glaser and R Glaser of the Department of Psychiatry, Ohio State University College of Medicine entitled ‘Psychoneuroimmunology and cancer: fact or fiction?’ looked at the mind body connection link and concluded:

These studies and others suggest that psychological or behavioral factors may influence the incidence or progression of cancer through psychosocial influences on immune function and other physiological pathways.
The mind body link to illness is something we at least need to consider.

In times of illness, do you ever consider using the power of your mind and thoughts for healing?

biology and belief

Can our beliefs affect our biology?

New research shows that that DNA may not be entirely responsible for steering the biological ship, so to speak. DNA is actually greatly influenced by energetic messages (including those coming from our own beliefs, thoughts and emotions) coming from outside of our cells.

Thoughts and emotions are energy, mind’s energy. The type of thoughts we think i.e. stressful or comforting, negative or positive stem from our beliefs. If our beliefs system is toxic it is more likely to produce negative attitudes and limiting thoughts which will result in poor health. If however our belief system is healthy, we are more likely to enjoy a positive outlook on life and think the type of thoughts that cause a feeling of health and well being.

alternative cancer brooklineThe kind of thought “energy” we allow in our mind, signal the brain to produce either health promoting or health deteriorating chemicals and disperse them into the blood stream. These chemicals when absorbed by the cells strengthen the cell or weaken it thereby leaving it vulnerable to attacks and decay.

In the context of chronic illness and cancer, our ability to understand these factors that influence our biology means we may be able to prevent illness from appearing and progressing.

Currently we are still operating by the old cancer treatment paradigm which has remained more or less the same since the 1940s; remove as much tumor as possible and pump the body full of cytotoxic agents to kill what remains.

Imagine you needed a hip replacement surgery and your surgeon saying he wants to perform a seventy year old procedure on you? Would you allow it?

Thankfully, the field of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) proposes a more integrated approach to the treatment of cancer and chronic diseases. This approach looks at the body as a whole incorporating multiple disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, behavioral medicine, pharmacology, and any other discipline relevant to the treatment of a specific disease in a specific person.

One of the few certainties in the medical field is that “one size fits all” medicine does not work; each person has a unique set of circumstances that must be addressed on an individual level, our beliefs about life and who we are included.

Can you find evidence of this relationship between your beliefs and physical experience?