cancer patients support Boston ma

Why Cancer Patients Seek Support Outside Hospital Walls?

According to a recent study, more and more cancer patients seek help, in the form of complementary alternative medicine outside of the hospital walls. Their reason quite simply is that ‘life’ goes on outside of the hospital; they feel more associated with health rather than illness.

This is in no way a form of silent criticism or a display of dissatisfaction with the medical establishment. The medical team is trained to treat the body and the disease, the actual cancer itself. While this is, of course, vital to patient’s recovery it does leave a huge gap when it comes to how they feel mentally and emotionally about illness.

Many people with cancer don’t want to feel that cancer defines them; that the cancer is all that they are. A person with cancer is still, first and foremost, a human being – a living, breathing person with thoughts, feelings and emotions, a person who has a life to live.

Time spent within the hospital walls, even when absolutely necessary may leave you feeling isolated and separated from reality. As we all know, ‘life’ continues to happen outside of the operation room and the chemo suite. Furthermore, there is so much more to cancer than what your doctor can see – cancer is much more than the tumor that your doctor can see, touch and remove.

A holistic approach to healing cancer means facilitating healing on a range of levels. It is given that we must treat the physical dimension of the illness but we must also treat the emotional and spiritual dimensions.

With this combined approach – i.e. using a powerful combination of traditional medicine and Mind-Body Medicine in the form of Immersive Healing – you give yourself the best possible chance to heal because you are engaging the illness from every angle.

Generally speaking, complementary alternative therapies can empower you and help you maintain a positive frame of mind before, during and after medical treatment. They can give you the strength, both emotionally and physically, to help you carry on with your everyday life feeling as well as is possible. They can also help a person make the shift from worry and fear into comfort and confidence. They help you avoid the mind trap of feeling like a victim, i.e. feeling helpless and hopeless and inspire you to take action and follow through on your medical regiment.

In short, when you spend a great deal of time within hospital walls your overall quality of life is affected. Seeking help outside the hospital environment help patient’s enhance their quality of life.

Scientists and Healers Join in the Fight Against Cancer

Scientists and Healers Join in the Fight Against Cancer

In my ideal world the two words, Healer and Scientist, describe the same person. Currently, though, they describe two worlds apart. It is rare that to find these two cooperate in any fashion, even though this cooperation will certainly benefit the patients.

alternative cancer treatment in Boston

Scientists and Healers in the fight against cancer

Nevertheless, on this very special (and cold) day in Boston MA it happened. The healer and the scientist came together in an event held by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center called Celebration of Life. Despite of the bitter weather, this was a heartwarming and embracing event. Many cancer survivors as well as those who are currently in treatment arrived with their families to share, learn and celebrate the human spirit.

Scientists as well as healers gathered around the same table at Harvard Medical School in Boston to share their knowledge and discuss the future of cancer care. For me it was a welcomed revelation that there is an open mind and a dialog between these two worlds.

This event was just another step in the right direction, I recognize that and I know we have a long way to go before sincere and professional cooperation can take place. Still, this meeting was a clear statement that this vision is closer than I thought it was.

Can you imagine going into surgery and your surgeon asks you to breathe deeply, set intention for healing of your body and using hypnosis to prepare you for the surgery? What if this helped boosting your recovery rate and increases your ability to heal?

We already have different complimentary practices offered in the hospitals; Reiki, Acupuncture and massage are the generic ones. Some insurance companies have stepped up and offer a degree of reimbursement and that’s very promising.

My personal believe is that the recognition in the value of Complimentary Alternative Medicine such as Hypnosis for Cancer is not a passing trend. I look forward to the near future where the healer and the scientist work together to improve one’s quality of life.

Have you used CAM modalities while undergoing medical treatment?

Breaking Free from Negativity While Undergoing Cancer

3 Parts Action Plan to Breaking Free from Negativity While Undergoing Cancer Treatment

alternative cancer in boston ma

Overcome cancer Negativity

When we allow circumstances and events to define who we are, what we can and cannot do, we are literally “trading our heroes for ghosts” as the Pink Floyd song “How I wish You Were Here” state so beautifully. This trade is devastating to our self-image and suggests we are helpless and hopeless. These two emotions proved in research to suppress our immune system and therefore lower the body’s ability to defend itself against disease agents.

Although this trade takes place for the most part unintentionally and only if we have an already existing limiting or negative self-image, it doesn’t mean it’s without the power to affect our health. The important question here than is what we can do to stop this harmful trade and strengthen ourselves mentally, emotionally and physically.

The aim of this post is to: first, explain why our self-limiting beliefs and negative perception which make this trade possible in the first place, may no longer be relevant or appropriate. Secondly, to reveal what we must do in order to resolve negative perception and limiting beliefs and therefore their meaning or effect in our lives.

As mentioned in my book The New Cancer Paradigm, these limiting negative perceptions may no longer be relevant. This statement is based in the knowledge that much if not all of what we know about the world and who we, was learned at a very young age. It’s clear that as kids our mental, emotional and even spiritual capacity to process information or see things in their true perspective was very limited.

As adults, reviewing these same events or conditions which have impressed upon us negative perception or limiting-beliefs, we will inevitably come to a different decision about their meaning in our lives. This change in meaning therefore dissolves the need to trade them for they are no longer negative or painful.

Cancer Patients Three Part Action Plan to Eliminate Negative Beliefs

Here is your three part action plan to avoid this common mind-trap our physical reality set before us:

• Be vigilant
• Challenge the evidence
• Adjust your perspective

Be Vigilant – When a negative self-image comes to mind, or when you feel that your illness define who you are it is because you have allowed an external aspect of your life to be more than it actually is. Nothing outside of you defines who you are.

Challenge the evidence – In your mind’s eye review those thoughts supporting the way you feel carefully. (Most likely you’ll find they were formed in early childhood). Then, bring to mind current evidence from your life that does not support those limiting or negative perceptions.

Adjust your perspective – When done correctly you will notice a gap between the early childhood perception and the current adult one. This is good news because it means your negative self-perception is not based on fact but interpretation.

This insight means you are free. Free to simply let go of the old and identify with the new, with who you are today. When done correctly, this new found freedom will help you stop this harmful trade and strengthen your ability to face the challenges of your illness better.

If you found this exercise to be helpful, please let me know?

Thrive during cancer

Cancer Patient Find the Help They Need to Thrive from Within

Some people have the power to inspire us and emerge as heroes even when all hope is lost. I often wondered if these powers exist within all of us, and what is it that galvanizes them.

natural cancer boston

Be the hero of your own life

A client said to me “bad things happens only to good people”, referencing to his stage three colon cancer. There was little that I could say right there and then to convince him otherwise but I did offer him a quote by Dennis Wholey, who wrote “Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting a bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian.”

Few days later we spoke and he mentioned that this seemingly humors quote transformed his outlook and helped him realize he is far from being a victim. For me, this client is a hero, a person of courage and strength, one which faces that which he fears most, feeling helpless and hopeless.

In a following session he said, “I just refuse to let my fear of dying run my life anymore, if it’s my time to go I’ll do so fighting for my life”. Once again, the hero emerged, strong and powerful, no longer helpless.

He chose to see his physical symptoms such as fatigue and discomfort as part of the natural world, part of the eternal cycle of life, in all of its terrible beauty and this takes great courage.

For some, being diagnosed with cancer serve only to magnify or reinforce an already existing negative self-image. But when we take the time to re-examine some of the so called “evidence” supporting our negative view of self, we will recognize that our perception is outdated and limited. We will come to realize that we gathered these “facts” in the early years of our lives and therefore may no longer be relevant.

This is an exciting revelation which has the power to set you free and help you resurrect the true you, the hero, the healthy, the part of you that is larger than life itself and has the potential to overcome any challenge be it emotional, mental and yes, even physical.

Tell us about the hero within you?