With the onset of a cancer diagnosis and the treatment regimen that follows, patients are faced with a wide range of limitations and challenges. In addition to the effect cancer has on the physical body it inevitably also impact their thoughts and feelings.

home_visitsDepended on caretakers to help manage their day, patients often describe feeling as if they are a burden. They therefore do not wish to further trouble loved ones with their most private suffering.

This is where this service is of most value. It offers those who live in the Boston area and who struggle with mobility, either due to illness or lack of transportation a way to take part in their own care from the comfort of home. Doing so not only help patients cultivate a sense of hope and mastery but it also help break through the sense of isolation often present due to the rapid rate of changes to their lives.

The journey toward healing and wellness demand a committed support system. When given the opportunity, it is my privilege to be a part of such committed team of caretakers. While your medical team makes every effort to heal your body, it is so very important for you to care for yourself, and now you can.

Regardless of the stage of illness, you can benefit from learning how to keep on living successfully with cancer. You can transform pain and suffering into comfort and quality of life and advance your progress toward recovery.

If you are interested, call 617-564-0707 or Email me to schedule your FREE half hour consultation. We can talk over the phone, via Skype or meet face to face in your home.

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