
forgiveness meditation

The Importance of Forgiveness in Healing

It is often challenging to forgive someone or something however when considering the many benefits forgiveness offer to our health and well being it is certainly worth the effort. There are many misconceptions with regard to forgiveness which upon closer examination will prove outdated or altogether wrong. Mainly, holding on to grudge and resentment we do all of the suffering. It’s like holding hot coals with the intent to throw them at someone else while suffering the burn ourselves. Discover why forgiveness is all about you and not about others and learn how to take back control of your life and livelihood.

resilience patients

How to Get Through the Tough Times of Cancer Treatment

Illness such as cancer presents us with many different challenges; physical, psychological, social and even spiritual challenges. In tough times, how come some people meet these challenges, beat cancer, better than others? The answer to this question might surprise you. When we have a reason to keep on going, when there is a meaning to our experience or a cause that is close to our heart, we can overcome even the most adverse treatment and conditions. This video touch upon some of the key elements to help you get through the tough times of cancer treatment. Life is a balancing act, but we can all develop the skills necessary to navigate through the challenging terrain of cancer diagnosis and treatment.

hope and cancer

Cancer, Hope and False Hope

Discover what hope is and why it is essential for healing? What role does it play in the context of healing from cancer and chronic illness? Can our thoughts and emotions affect our physiology and can we influence the course of our illness? This video offer many answers as well as deal with the concept of false hope or false hopelessness. Details inside.

hypnosis and psychotherapy

The Differences Between Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy

What are the main differences between psychotherapy and hypnotherapy? Often people are unsure of hypnosis for cancer or the appropriate therapeutic path for them. This short video highlights some of the conceptual, pragmatic and systematic aspects of these two different professions.

calm the mind

Calm the Mind, Calm the Body (part 3)

Discover the 6 secrets to calming your mind and body. Living in this hectic world is a daily balancing act. It requires skills to better cope and maintain a healthy mindset. We all want to live more in the present, free of stress and emotional pain and of course to enjoy life as much as we can and this presentation will show you how.

calm the mind and body

Calm the Mind, Calm the Body (part 2)

If you struggle with intrusive and unpleasant thoughts or if you just can’t seem to get your mind to stop this video is for you. It will teach you how to take back control over your thoughts, feeling and emotions, the way the experts do. Living in this hectic world is a daily balancing act. It requires skills to better cope and maintain a healthy mindset. We all want to live more in the present, free of stress and emotional pain and of course to enjoy life as much as we can and this presentation will show you how. Discover the 6 secrets experts use to calming their mind and body.

calm body calm mind

Calm the Mind, Calm the Body (part 1)

If you struggle with intrusive and unpleasant thoughts or if you just can’t seem to get your mind to stop this video is for you. It will teach you how to take back control over your thoughts, feeling and emotions, the way the experts do. Living in this hectic world is a daily balancing act. It requires skills to better cope and maintain a healthy mindset. We all want to live more in the present, free of stress and emotional pain and of course to enjoy life as much as we can and this presentation will show you how. Discover the 6 secrets experts use to calming their mind and body.

stress and illness

The Role of Stress in Illness

New research from Trinity College Dublin indicates that when a particular stress response is blocked (by drugs) the spread (metastasis) of breast cancer can be significantly reduced.

 Health Research Board Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr Ian Barron from the University’s Pharmacology and Therapeutic department conducted the research.

The study focused on a group of women in Ireland who were diagnosed with breast cancer between 2000 and 2007 and found that the women who took drugs that blocked a particular hormone-related stress pathway had a decreased risk of dying from the cancer.

When compared to the control group, women taking the drugs in the year prior to diagnosis were less likely to develop metastatic or invasive breast cancer. The same group, who continued to take the drug after diagnosis, was also less likely to die from cancer in the following 5 years after their diagnosis.
Dr Barron has said:

“For patients with cancer, higher levels of stress are associated with more frequent disease recurrence, faster disease progression and higher rates of death from cancer.

“Some lab-based studies have suggested how stress hormones, such as adrenaline and noradrenalin, could play a role in this process. Ours is the first study in humans to show that blocking this stress response significantly reduces the risk of cancer spreading or metastasizing. Because the majority of all cancer deaths are due to the growth of tumor metastases, this research could have significant implications for clinical practice.”

This research is interesting because once again it confirms what those who are interested in the field of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) have been aware of for some time. That stress and the immune system are linked. Chronic stress can be a precursor to illness.

Our emotions, the way we cope with stress and how we ‘feel’ does have an effect on the physiological condition of the body.

I am all for medical developments and the use of stress pathway blocking drugs could mean exciting progress in the treatment of cancer. I also feel that this study will help to open up the discussion about the link between stress, emotional trauma and cancer.

We know that it’s possible to block this hormone related stress pathway with drugs but can we do so with the mind alone? This is an exciting prospect that can change the way we treat this disease.

Imagine a treatment facility that fully integrates mind medicine with conventional medicine, and I mean more than just the common “Relaxotherapy” offered today.

This kind of integration where patients are cared for by a team of practitioner is sure to benefit the patient. It remains to be seen when this kind of care will be offered, my belief is that it’s only a matter of time.

In the meantime many coping with cancer are already taking responsibility for their well being by working with their own private practitioners.

If you integrate your conventional treatment with other complimentary or alternative treatments please share?

mind body connection

Misunderstanding about the Mind-Body Connection

In recent years there have been exciting and positive advancements in the field of psychosomatic medicine. Firstly it’s important to identify what we mean by psychosomatic as this is a word that in the past had negative connotations.

In essence the word Psychosomatic is made of two Greek words, Psyche (mind) and Soma (body).
When I use the term psychosomatic medicine I am not referring to the notion that an illness or disease is all in the mind or a form of hypochondria.

Psychosomatic medicine refers to the branch of medicine that is concerned with the relationship between psychological, social and behavioral factors on the function of the body.

That said the way I look at a chronic illness like cancer is that some part of it is in the mind but not in the way that we view the illness as imaginary. Those non physical aspects of our being i.e. perception, emotions and beliefs for example reside in the mind.

Any change to those aspects need be made within the mind and therefore it is the mind holds the key to resolving the illness if you like – to heal it.

What I am trying to convey is that your illness is not in your mind, it is very real, however, your illness may have originated in your mind.

Science has now proved that what takes place in the mind also has an effect within the body. With the advent of modern brain imaging techniques such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computerised (axial) Tomography Scan (CT or CAT) comes the ability to disentangle the mechanisms of the brain.

The effects of thought processes can be seen to have a physiological effect on the body. Illness shows up in the body as a physical symptom and my view of this is that the body is trying to tell us or alert us to something that the mind cannot.

And that is where immunotherapeutic hypnotherapy can really hold its’ own. By exploring the possibility that psychological factors play a part in originating or aggravating a disease hypnotherapy can mobilize the power of the mind, in other words the patient’s belief system, towards healing and a better state of health.

If a person’s mind can originate or aggravate a physical condition then that very same part of the mind can contribute to their health. Just as an individual can become psychosomatically ill there is the possibility that they can become psychosomatically well again.

hypnosis chemotherapy

Cancer Chemotherapy Patients Benefit from Hypnosis and Guided Imagery

If you read any of my previous posts you already know that I fully support traditional medical treatment and care for people with cancer – this goes without saying. Advances in chemotherapy treatments for cancer are proving to be very effective and we know that the science and medicine do save lives. Having said that, chemotherapy is still a poison – a treatment takes its toll on both the body and the mind.
alternative chemotherapy
While there are many different types of chemo treatment, some more modern then others, patients are still experiencing disruptive side effects. But when immersive healing is used as a part of a person’s treatment for cancer, or when patients use an audio program such as the Successful Chemo, it can help to embrace the treatment and lessen the impact of those side effects.

If the mind and body are prepared for and can embrace chemotherapy treatment before it is administered, the outcome of the treatment will be better and more effective in the long term.

The simple truth is that people with cancer need chemotherapy, chemotherapy works; it shrinks cancer tumors and saves lives, however, the cost of chemo when we consider a person’s quality of life is very high. The side effects of chemotherapy treatment range from uncomfortable to debilitating both mentally and physically, anyone who has had chemo or who has witnessed a loved-one go through the treatment knows this to be true.

For some people, these unpleasant side effects may result in them not seeing their full chemotherapy treatment plan through; they may miss their appointments as they feel unable to face the treatment. And if a person does not complete their course of chemotherapy, they may decrease their chances of recovery…

But if there isn’t an alternative to chemotherapy what can a person do to minimize or at least manage the unpleasant side effects of the treatment? Immersive healing, either face to face or online via skype can help you to prepare for chemotherapy mentally, physically and emotionally, enabling you to create a state within your mind and body for the chemo to work its specific form of healing.

hypnosis for chemotherapy, cancer cdIf you are undergoing, or you are about to undergo chemotherapy, it may be helpful for you to schedule a hypnosis session a day or two before each treatment. If this is not possible for you, you can use my cancer self-hypnosis CD before treatment; this can also be listened to while you are waiting for your chemo treatment, helping you to get into an optimum frame of mind for the treatment and helping you to heal as you go through the process of treatment.