
healing from cancer naturally

Around Every Dark Cloud There is a Silver Lining

This old proverb means that in every situation, no matter how unpleasant, difficult or even painful it might seem, there is always something to take away, something of meaningful, something positive which help us and sometime force us to grow.

cancer hypnosisHave you ever wondered how some people are more resourceful than others? Especially when facing a difficult situation such as illness. What do they do differently that allows them to navigate the rough seas of the unknown successfully?

Here are some thoughts:

Seek knowledge – as the saying goes, knowledge is power. If your concern isn’t addressed by your doctor for whatever reason, ask a nurse, or another practitioner.  Find the resources that help you learn about your options in a constructive and positive manner so you can make educated decisions.

Shift your focus – Probably the most effective way to divert fear and worry which naturally arise when being diagnosed, is to shift your mind’s focus from you to someone else or something else.  A great way to do that is to offer support for other cancer patients or find something that resonant with you like an organization with a meaningful cause and join in.

Develop Resilience -in Wikipedia “Resilience” means “the positive capacity of people to cope with stress and adversity”.  Developing the skill of resilience may take time and practice but you can take the following shortcut:

1.       Accept that change is a part of living. Change can be viewed as an opportunity to grow in new directions. Letting go of what cannot be changed helps you focus on you can actually do.

2.       Craft an action plan to negate your stress. Taking care of you is your number one priority, do what you enjoy most, feed your body, relax your mind and get plenty of rest.

3.       Nurture a positive view of yourself. Prime your body and mind with positive self-talk, be kind and supportive of you, trust that you have appropriate resources to cope and remember that you are much more than just your body.

4.       Set healthy personal boundaries. When you need space, ask for it. Those who love you may not know how to demonstrate their love and affection for you. Those who care for you do not know what treatment feels like, they do not know what it’s like to feel or be you. Help them by letting them know what is right for you.

If you have some great resources, please share with us.