Enhancing Cancer Recovery Skills

Watch how each of us can enhance recovery skills during cancer treatment to increase resiliency, comfort, and quality of life.

During treatment, is there a way for us to play a more significant role in our recovery? The answer is yes, and in this video, I address one… see more…

The Need for Patience

When it comes to recovering our health, one of the least talked about and yet important skills we can have is patience; yes, having patience.

Now, sitting at the doctor’s office, hearing those three powerful words “you have cancer” for the first time, all you want is for this to be over, right?

No one is thinking about patience. You want to be healed and have this behind you already. Most of all, you want to be healthy; that’s the most natural thing in the world for anyone to desire. Yet, this very natural desire, coupled with the expectation to get there fast, breeds a great deal of suffering. This is because of what we already know or have heard about cancer and all that we don’t.

A Meaningful Quote

A quote I often share with my clients is taken from an inspirational text called The Course in Miracles. The quote states that “Endless patience brings about immediate results.” Do not be mistaken, it’s a deep concept if you think about it, so ensure it is viewed in the right way.

I will further say it’s not meant to be taken in the literal sense. Instead, it’s an invitation for us to take our minds off ourselves. To stop obsessing over the diagnosis or the next procedure or the symptoms as much as we can, and intentionally find an aspect in our lives that is worthy and worthwhile to focus on. Obsessing about something that’s working and uplifting seems like a distraction. It is not.

And this is important because we know through research that biochemistry produced by particular states of mind, in this case, worry, fear, helplessness, and stress-in-general is an immune suppressant. Therefore, these states of mind are not conducive to our recovery effort. If you need to refresh on the science of it, just google the term psychoneuroimmunology, and you’ll get to the data.

Watch the video for more.