The Mindful Remission Coaching Program

Addressing the Root Cause of Cancer

The Mindful Remission is an 8-week online action plan for wellness and recovery.

There is a growing body of evidence that trapped emotions, trauma, and unprocessed life events affect us in real, physical ways. Research has shown these experiences can potentially impair our body’s immune function, diminish resilience, and inhibit the efficacy of medicine. By releasing these suppressed and repressed emotions, we can allow our immune system to perk up and support our body’s effort to heal.


The body’s innate immune system is designed to defend against all illnesses, cancer included.

The 3 Premises of Mindful Remission


Harmful states of mind (primarily stress, hopelessness, and helplessness) have been shown to suppress the body’s immune function.


If these harmful states of mind can be addressed and resolved, the body’s immune response can be revived, and cancer can be more readily healed.

A Better Way To Navigate The Cancer Recovery Journey

The Mindful Remission online program is designed specifically for people like you who seek guidance and support during this difficult journey.

There is more to healing and recovery than what takes place in your doctor's office – you want to be an active participant in one of the most important moments of your life.

The countless resources you gather often leave you with nothing more than a surplus of information. Knowledge alone is not enough to bring about the transformation and change needed for a better outcome.

True healing and recovery come from taking action and having the right environment and conditions to support you on this journey.

Over eight weeks, learn and implement these life-changing practices. Throughout this journey, you will have access to the same level of support and guidance that my in-person clients have benefited from for more than two decades.

Here’s a look at what’s inside

  • WEEK 1

    Starting Mindset

    Here you’ll lay the foundation of your healing journey, creating a powerful mindset primed for wellness and recovery.

  • WEEK 2

    Taking Back Control

    Learn how to take back control of your state of mind, conquer intrusive thoughts, and overcome limiting beliefs.

  • WEEK 3

    Calm the Mind, Calm the Body

    In week 3, you will learn effective tools and techniques to prepare your body for healing.

  • WEEK 4

    Deep Healing

    In this week you’ll take a mindset leap and access powerful tools designed for deep healing and recovery.

  • WEEK 5

    Deep Programming

    Next, you’ll explore the Mind Model and leverage the power of your subconscious mind with tools like self-hypnosis and visoneering.

  • WEEK 6

    Resilience Protocol

    In week 6, you will build on your mental and emotional momentum to increase resilience and strengthen your innate ability to heal.

  • WEEK 7

    Wellness Algorithm

    In week 7, you will deepen your healing and strengthen your resolve with practices like energy tune-ups and shadow work.

  • WEEK 8

    Moving Forward

    In the final week, you will explore how to integrate all you have learned so you can move forward with renewed energy and purpose.

Mindful Remission Features

  • Healing is a journey, and I believe the tools you use should be supportive and transformative. That's why Mindful Remission features a user-friendly interface designed for ease of use. From clear navigation to progress tracking tools, the intuitive design makes learning and practicing techniques simple and efficient. Focus on your healing, and let the program guide you every step of the way.

  • Mindful Remission understands that healing looks different for everyone. This program is designed to fit seamlessly into your life, whether you've just been diagnosed, recovering from surgery, or facing an unforeseen challenge. Learn valuable tools and techniques to propel your healing at your own pace from the comfort of your home. With visual modules and manageable time commitments, Mindful Remission empowers you to take control of your recovery journey.

  • Each week, you and I will meet one-on-one over Zoom to tailor the course content to your specific needs and goals. These personalized sessions are designed to ensure you get the most out of the program. We'll discuss your progress and challenges and celebrate your achievements (yes, there will be many.) As one participant shared, 'These weekly meetings were the lifeline of my healing journey.'

  • If you have questions about the content, need to reschedule a meeting, or simply want some encouragement, the daily support system is here for you! Reach out anytime through the Help Button, and I will respond within 24 hours. I am here to assist you with technical issues, course-related questions, and anything else you need to stay successful in this program.

  • This course features a lot of content designed to support you, including 25+ hours of video and many more hours of audio recordings. To maximize your learning and ensure you do not binge-watch the course without doing the work (yes, someone did that), I will release new modules each week. This structured approach allows you to develop the skills to overcome negativity, address limiting patterns, and achieve lasting transformation.

  • Active learning is key to success. This means that each week, you will be given meaningful assignments. Assignments push you to engage with the material actively. By completing tasks, analyzing information, or creating something new, you're solidifying your understanding much better than simply absorbing information.

    Integrated assignments take active learning a step further by requiring you to apply knowledge and skills from multiple course areas in a single task. This can involve:

    Connecting concepts: Assignments might ask you to analyze a situation from the perspectives of different disciplines covered in the course.

    Building on prior learning: You might be asked to use knowledge from previous weeks alongside new information to complete a project.

  • Wellness audio recordings are a valuable asset while healing and recovering from illness for several reasons:

    Stress Reduction and Relaxation:

    Guided meditations and self-hypnosis: These recordings can help quiet the mind, reduce anxiety, and promote feelings of calm, all of which can contribute to better sleep and a stronger immune system.

    Pain Management:

    Progressive muscle relaxation: Audio recordings can guide you through focused tensing and releasing of different muscle groups, promoting relaxation and potentially reducing pain perception.

    Visualization exercises: Imagery techniques can help manage pain by creating a mental picture of a peaceful or healing scenario, potentially reducing the perceived intensity of discomfort.

    Accessibility and Convenience:

    Listen anytime, anywhere: Audio recordings offer flexibility. You can listen while resting, during commutes, or while performing gentle activities, easily integrating them into your recovery routine.

    Tailored content: With a wide variety of wellness recordings available, you can find content specifically designed for your illness or recovery stage.

I have worked with individuals in various settings, including private practice and renowned institutions like the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and witnessed the incredible impact these techniques can have on one's recovery.

Emotions = Physical Response… It’s time for a body-mind approach.


The scientific backdrop of this program is the study of Psychoneuroimmunology or PNI.

Working within the realm of the mind is safe, non-invasive, and requires no use of medication.


Addressing the mental and psychological paradigm of ill health promotes change in real-time.


The Human Mind is a mechanism whose parts are split mainly between two agencies: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The subconscious is the level at which all running programs of an individual’s nature are accessible for recall, review, and editing!

Where Does Healing Take Place?


break free from fear and reclaim your life.

The alternative to embracing an evidence-based coaching program like Mindful Remission is navigating the dark maze of cancer on your own. It can be a stressful, wearisome, and self-doubting journey, filled with unnecessary suffering. However, by choosing to embark on this program, you are choosing confidence, certainty, and a proven roadmap to…

I invite you to take a step forward with confidence.

Use the link below to schedule a free consultation with me. This brief conversation will help us determine if the Mindful Remission program is the right fit for you and your unique needs. There's no better time to take the first step towards a better outcome.


  • The definition of Cancer Coaching depends on the setting in which this service is offered.

    For example, in a clinical setting, a cancer coach is a person who can help you set up your medical appointments, sort out your medications, and even speak with your medical provider on your behalf.

    In a more holistic sense, a cancer coach can be a person who helps you improve your lifestyle and change your diet or exercise routine. Many patients benefit from making these changes in their lives.

    If these are your goals, you are all set; these services will certainly do. However, if you understand that illness is more than just the physical symptoms it displays, that it’s a whole-person event, you need a different type of coaching.

    In this case, you need a coach or a coaching program that will focus on YOU, the person within the physical body. You need a coach that will focus on your experiences, mind, and mindset i.e., thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs.

    Of course, we must treat the physical body, where the crisis is, and that’s what your medical team does. However, the physical body is only one part of the healing equation. To treat the whole person, you must also treat the mind. Failing to do so, we can only expect partial results, partial recovery, and reoccurrence, which is not good enough.

    So, what is Cancer Coaching?

    Cancer coaching is an innovative service that provides people facing cancer education, support, and practical skills development to help meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

    A cancer coach recognizes there is much more to cancer than only what the doctors can see, measure or touch. Therefore, the journey toward healing and recovery must include more than only what happens during visits with your medical doctor.

    Coaching offers practical and effective strategies for breaking through fear and isolation, strengthening your will to live, improving your quality of life, and helping you regain a sense of control over your experience.

    My goal as your coach is to lead you out of the dark forest of fear and the unknown so you can see the way to a promising healing future, to a place where you can remember this truth: While you may be with the illness, you are not your illness.

    You can read more about it using this link.

  • Unlike other cancer coaching programs that focus on nutrition and lifestyle, the Mindful Remission program delves deeper, addressing the subconscious mind's influence on immune function. By targeting the subconscious, Mindful Remission empowers individuals to harness their inner strength and create a foundation for healing.

    Here's a breakdown of the key differences:

    Focus: Many cancer coaching programs focus on external factors like nutrition and exercise, which are important for overall health. Mindful Remission goes beyond these to target the subconscious mind.

    Subconscious Mind and Immune Function: The subconscious mind plays a significant role in stress response and overall well-being, which can indirectly impact immune function. By addressing the subconscious, Mindful Remission aims to create a more positive mindset that may support the body's natural healing abilities.

  • Didn't find your answer? No worries! Our team is here to help. For any questions not addressed here, feel free to contact us directly at or reach out by phone at 617-564-0707.

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