Avinoam Lerner, CH

Why I Do What I Do:

Growing up in a war-torn part of the world where loss and trauma are rampant, I remember a seminal moment at the age of six, witnessing a woman I looked up to breaking down after learning her husband had not returned from the war. The look of fear and loss in her eyes burned intensely into my brain. I wanted it to go away so badly! But, being so young, there wasn’t much I could do. At that moment, I felt powerless and helpless.

Many years later, I saw the very same look in someone else’s eyes. That person was a cancer patient who came to me for a consultation seeking relief. At that moment, I was no longer that helpless child. Now I had the tools and the knowledge and could finally help. That patient changed the direction of my practice. He gave it a clear and defined focus – to help people facing cancer and trauma break through to recovery.

As an army veteran, I know the value of discipline and pushing through. Cancer is a battlefield of sorts. It’s why my cancer journey, healing, and recovery programs are goal-oriented and results-driven. And yet, as a parent of two daughters, I’ve learned to be nurturing and grounded, too. That’s what I offer those I work with— a safe and structured sanctuary for healing both mind and body.

“You either get bitter, or you get better.”

— Avinoam Lerner

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING: I earned my degree as a Holistic Therapist from the Reidman International College for Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Israel in 2000. Further education awarded me certification as a Clinical Hypnotherapist by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) and the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NFNLP) in the USA.

CANCER AND TRAUMA RECOVERY COACHING: My innovative approach to recovery highlights the multidimensional nature of trauma and illness. For people seeking to play a more active role in their recovery, I offer a safe, practical, and effective path. This path can help enlist the restorative power of the mind. It can help to become more resilient and confident and experience a better quality of life.

BODY AND MIND CONNECTION: Research shows that emotional problems can become physical ones. In other words, the notion that people can be scarred by their past should not be taken lightly. That is why my approach is goal-oriented and focused on the root cause of the suffering.

Interested in learning more? Schedule a free consultation

I often create content based on the needs of my clients as well as social media requests. If you have a topic in mind and would like me to respond in a short video, please send me a note, and I will do my best to accommodate your request.

In the meantime, you are invited to learn further about the benefits many cancer patients gain from this work through my book, The New Cancer Paradigm.

Facing Illness is a Balancing Act

Watch "The Remission Blueprint," A New Video About the Crucial Missing Piece to Your Cancer Healing and Recovery.