Is Your Inner Speech Pleasant to the Bones?
As Within, So Without
This adage suggests that our inner world (thoughts, beliefs, emotions) is reflected in our outer world (actions, experiences, circumstances). In other words, our internal state affects our external reality, and our mindset shapes our experiences; therefore, changes within us can lead to changes in our experience.
You need not be spiritual or philosophical to recognize this ancient truth. In everyday life, this concept takes the form of cause-and-effect, and its application is of immense importance when it relates to our state of health.
What is Your View of the World?
If we subscribe to the notion that our external world is an objective reality that exists outside of and separate from us, then we view ourselves as victims of external events and circumstances that are beyond our control.
This view is not the whole truth. If it were, it would mean that we are helpless and hopeless… no more than leaves carried by the wind.
My experience taught me that we may not have complete control over every aspect of our lives, but we have a great deal of agency. We are creative, resourceful, and innately dynamic.
The Law of Cause and Effect
Based on the law of cause and effect, we can reason that a negative constitution of thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions is likely to produce an undesired effect overall, i.e., suffering, illness, etc. On the other hand, positive qualities of thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions are likely to produce, overall, a more desired effect, i.e., health and wellness.
Software and Hardware
An analogy that speaks to the relationship between inner speech and our experience is one of software and hardware. Nowadays, where we have become so dependent on technology, the most advanced equipment is just a click away (or a short drive to the store), but to make this equipment work, we need the right software (operating system). Said differently, without the appropriate software, even the state-of-the-art technology is but a paperweight on our desk.
If we apply this analogy to the human experience, the hardware represents our mind, and the software represents our inner speech, thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions.
The Sound of Your Mind?
In my book, The New Cancer Paradigm, I invite you to envision your mind as an orchestra, where your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions are musical instruments. What kind of sound would your inner orchestra produce if you could listen in? Is it harmonious or disharmonious? What is the quality of your inner speech and beliefs? Is your inner speech of a healthy, uplifting, and inspiring nature, or is it negative, fear-based, and filled with anxiety?
Inner Speech and Health
Your inner speech reflects how you truly feel, for the inside mirrors the outside. My version of this statement is that physical symptoms are tangible evidence of what goes on in our minds.
So, is your inner speech pleasant to the bones? Does it uplift and strengthen you, or does it weaken you?
Bones are symbolic of support. So, let your inner speech strengthen you and sustain you.
Don’t Go Through This Alone
Changing our mental constitution all by ourselves is hard, even on our best days, let alone when dealing with illness. It takes more than reading a book or watching a video tutorial to do this, so if you are serious about your healing and want support on how to do this right, use this link: to schedule a free and short consultation with me. It may be exactly what you have been looking for.