Radical Remission #1 Factor for Healing Cancer

One of the nine key factors Dr. Kelly addresses is the need for patients to release suppressed emotions. Still, knowing what you need to do is very different from taking action to do so...

Watch the video for more.

In this video, I want to discuss Dr. Kelly Turner's book Radical Remission. Her research highlights nine key factors that can contribute to remission even if conventional medicine has failed to accomplish that goal. I firmly support this notion and her findings.

From my perspective, the #1 factor that Dr. Kelly writes about is the need for patients to release suppressed emotions because this single factor has prompted many patients to reach out to me for support.

Releasing suppressed emotions is absolutely important, and we have the science and research to back it up. But it's one thing to know what you need to do and a whole other thing to find an effective and safe way to do it.

If you're like most people, you will likely turn to therapy, right? After all, conventional talk therapy is readily available. The problem is that talk therapy is just not designed to do this—to release suppressed emotions effectively—for the simple reason that talk therapy, for the most part, engages the conscious mind—the logical, educated, and rational mind—and not the subconscious mind, which is our emotional mind and where emotions reside.

In other words, the tools of talk therapy are not designed to penetrate the surface of our consciousness. For that, we need different tools, like hypnotherapy for example.

This is not a takedown on talk therapy, not at all... talk therapy is very useful in all kinds of situations, certainly, but not here, not in this case. Processing emotions logically is just not enough, and a good analogy for that is driving a car, where therapy is likened to wiping the windshield clean. Wiping the windshield clean is certainly important so we can see the road better, but here is the thing I want you to consider... if your engine is leaking, then wiping your windshield clean is not very helpful; no, you have to pull the car to the side of the road, lift the hood so you can look at the engine block, find the faulty part and replace it.

That's exactly what we do day in and day out in my practice, in-person or online, through the Mindful Remission online program.

With an estimated 1.9 million people diagnosed with cancer every single year in the US alone, there are many who listen to Dr. Kelly's message but are not entirely sure about how to do it, how to release their suppressed emotions, or where to even look for this kind of support.

If this is you, you can find the answers to these questions and many others on this website. It's exactly the work that I've been doing for more than two decades now: helping cancer patients who wish to increase their odds of healing and recovery do so in a safe, structured, and effective way. Visit https://www.avinoamlerner.com/cancer-wellness-programs for more.


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