The Cancercoaster: When You Doubt Your Own Fight

I’m second-guessing myself All the Time!

A client recently said, "I question myself every step of the way. Did I forget a medication? Did I skip a crucial part of my self-care routine? Am I doing it right? It's exhausting."

A cancer diagnosis throws your world upside down. Until then, you were somebody's husband or wife, daughter or son, father or mother; you had hopes and dreams. Suddenly, treatment becomes your new normal, a complex dance of appointments, procedures, and medications. And amidst this challenging journey, a nagging fear can creep in: am I doing this right?

A client recently said, "I question myself every step of the way. Did I forget a medication? Did I skip a crucial part of my self-care routine? Am I doing it right? It's exhausting."

Do you hear this too? Do you hear the anxiety monster whispering that you're somehow self-sabotaging your own recovery? The irony? You likely have one of the best medical teams by your side.

Here's the thing: This kind of fear is incredibly common. Cancer takes control, and the desire to regain some sense of power can lead to these anxieties. We obsess over every detail, convinced a misstep will derail our progress.

On the other side of this fear, there is a powerful truth. A truth you need to hear loud and clear: You are strong, and you are doing an amazing job facing something no one ever prepared you to face.

Acknowledge the Anxiety, Don't Feed It

The first step is acknowledging this fear. Instead of judging yourself for feeling it – recognize that fear is a natural reaction to any perceived threat, and any health crisis is packaged with an aspect of threat. You can let this fear spiral or find a practice like mine to help you move through it, resolve it, and become more resilient.

Focus on What You Can Control

Cancer treatment is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be good days and bad days. Focus on what you can control, like your thoughts, focus, and state of mind. Research shows that doing this while going through treatment can improve treatment outcomes.

Celebrate the Victories (Big and Small)

Chemo completed? Celebrate! First post-surgery walk? Huge win! Track your progress, no matter how small. These victories are proof of your strength and resilience.

Trust Your Team

You have a team of medical experts in your corner to help you heal your body. You can also build a team of holistic wellness practitioners to help you heal mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. Ask questions, voice your concerns, and trust their expertise.

Remember, You Are Not Alone

Cancer can feel isolating, but you're not in this fight alone! Your medical team's job is to care for your body; it is up to you to care for YOU, the person living in this physical body. An in-depth, holistic, personalized support can help you thrive during these challenging times. CLICK HERE to schedule a free consultation and learn more.


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