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Cancer and The Unheard Cry of The Mind
Releasing suppressed emotions during Cancer treatment may be the missing link in your treatment.
Research indicates that unresolved emotional trauma and chronic emotional suppression can contribute to disease progression. This cannot be ignored if we desire a more favorable treatment outcome.
Mobilize Your Mind for Cancer Recovery
This training video explores the connection between our Mind and the body's Immune System. Whether you're in the thick of treatment or in remission, join us to learn what you can do to engage with and enhance the functioning of your body's defense system.
What is Cancer PTSD?
Facing a cancer diagnosis and all the change that follows can be daunting. We were never taught how to process and cope with any life-threatening illness, especially cancer. The result of being so unprepared for this physical, mental, and emotional injury is Cancer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, better known as PTSD.
Shifting Into Healing Cancer
Have you ever heard of people healing themselves from cancer, even in its late stages? If you have, you may be wondering how they managed to achieve this. And more importantly, you may be asking yourself how you can do the same. Regardless of your diagnosis and whether or not you are currently undergoing treatment, to be able to fully support your body’s healing and recovery, you need to take control of your mind.
Can We Treat Cancer Without Chemo?
One of the most common questions I receive during consultations is whether we can treat cancer without chemotherapy. Given all the information we have heard about chemotherapy and its possible side effects, naturally, we are interested in learning about any alternatives that may allow us to avoid going to the chemo suite.
Resolving Unintended Addiction
As more and more cancer patients survive their medical treatment and transition back into “civilian” life, more and more of them struggle with the long-term side effects of treatment. The medication they receive during treatment to minimize the impact of these long-term side effects (fatigue, pain, fear, anxiety, etc.) became something they struggle to let go of.