Guided Imagery For Cancer - eBook


Transformation, Healing, and Quality of Life through Guided Imagery. This book is a clear and user-friendly guide for using the mind to heal the body. When practiced correctly, guided Imagery can help promote wellness and recovery. The teaching in this book highlights tools and techniques for total body wellness anyone can benefit from regardless of age, stage of cancer, or where they are along the treatment cycle.

“Choose Your thoughts, Change Your Perception and you’ll change Your experience. “ Avinoam Lerner

We all get caught up in the stories we tell ourselves. At times we even think we are our stories. And while illness is certainly real, we can change our experience of it and the meaning we give it by changing the story we tell ourselves about it. If you wish to feel and be more in control of your journey toward health, boost your immune system, strengthen your will to live, and experience faster recovery while maintaining a balanced Mind, then this book is for you.

Guided Imagery is a powerful tool for inner change. It will help you change your story for the better and maintain the quality of life you desire.

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you;
you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”
James Allen

154 pages e-Book for cancer wellness, healing and Quality of Life. Includes link to an exclusive members page. For download only!

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More About Guided Imagery

Guided Imagery involves closing your eyes and imagining a scene that involves each of your senses – sight, hearing, smelling, tasting – and thinking, feeling, and visualizing yourself within that scene.

Engaging the mind this way helps put you into a deeply relaxed state where you can imagine your body as you wish it would be. Imagine any scene that makes you feel happy, calm, healthy, and fully recovered.

You can visualize yourself sitting on the beach, walking in a forest, trekking a mountain, swimming in the pool, or in any scenario that uplifts your spirit—involved and immersed in the sights of the place you imagine, the sounds, smells, and energy of your surroundings.

In your mind’s eye, you can see yourself doing anything you love to do and imagine that you’re doing any of those things already healthy and fully recovered. The idea is that you will immerse yourself in that scene so successfully that your mind will believe you can accomplish it, and the process will increase confidence, reduce stress, and even boost the functioning of your immune system.

Guided Imagery for Cancer Benefits

Studies have shown that Imagery can help the mind and body relax. It can also help:

  • Manage anxiety, stress, and depression

  • Help reduce pain

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Lessen nausea

  • Give you a better sense of control and well-being