Self-Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation


Self-Hypnosis Audio Program for Smoking Cessation

Become a non-smoker today, and do so without the common withdrawal symptoms such as cravings or weight gain. This recording helps you break free from cigarettes and smoking forever. It builds on your desire to lead a healthier lifestyle and strengthens your will to follow through.

Imagine how wonderful you feel once you emerge as a new person who is genuinely confident and truly in control!

This recording is for you if you want to:

  • Avoid deprivation and irritation

  • Feel empowered and in control

  • Evade relapsing or weight gain

  • Decrease your health risks and save money

  • Enjoy increased energy and add years to your life

People who listen to this recording and are smoke-free enjoy increased self-esteem, peace of mind, and clarity of thought. They successfully decided to move away from smoking, and I’m sure you can see yourself as one of them in your mind’s eye.

This recording is 21:00 minutes long.

Best for anyone who is ready (or almost ready) to put smoking behind them and lead a healthy lifestyle conducive to recovery.

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Good quality of life is within reach. It should an easy choice to enjoy more of what life has to offer; and to be in control of your experience rather than being allowing it to be controlled by someone or something. This recording will help you reclaim your freedom and therefore your health. Try it if you dare to feel better.

What is required of you?

All that’s required is your healthy desire to truly be a non-smoker. Once you have made up your mind, listen to this recording daily for the next 21 days. And as you listen, allow and accept the suggestions that you hear. They will help you create a new vision of yourself where you are s a non-smoker and healthy again.

Why does this program work?

This program works because what you hear reflects your motivation to change and transform. The message which resonates with your desire to lead a healthier lifestyle and to feel and be in control of your life is impressed into your Subconscious Mind until it is accepted. By listening to this audio for the allotted time, you not only help your mind absorb and act upon the vision of a new healthy you but also improve your quality of life and increase your odds of recovery.